Thursday, December 16
Beth #1

Wednesday, December 1

Friday, November 26
Rachel Mummey
Caeshel Sue Rae Allen from Rachel Mummey on Vimeo.
Friday, November 19
little bear
Saturday, November 6
How to become a star...
Fund-raising video from Jane Taylor on Vimeo.
Monday, November 1
A little bit of luck

Tuesday, October 26
Wild things

Friday, October 22
Funk legend
Tuesday, October 19
Photomonth - Overexposed City

Monday, October 18
scooter noobes, skaters and duckrabbit training

Tuesday, October 12
The Swahili coast

Tuesday, September 28
Nairobi wedding
Next stop to stay with friends in Zanzibar's Stone Town eating the most gorgeous food at their restaurant Archipelago. I also met a lovely lady by the name of Rachel Hermada who has started up an interesting online magazine called Mambo featuring Zanzibar culture, life and travel information written by jouralists living on the island. Worth a look if you are interested in Swahili culture.

Friday, September 3
Forgotten photographs

Thursday, August 19
The little bear
Monday, August 2
The high life, the simple life and the good life.

Wednesday, July 21
The Press Photographers Year 2010
Saturday, July 17
"Do or do not, there is no try." - Yoda

Saturday, July 10

Thursday, July 1
Some exciting news

Tuesday, June 29
Not capturing Kirstina
My lovely friend and photographer Kirstina Fryd has set me a challenge. To take a portrait of her - we talked about this some time ago but haven't got round to it. I tried one sunny morning in Brixton but I'm not remotely happy with the results. All my blogging about portraits hasn't seemed to rub off on me. It was all wrong for some reason - too posed - not right at all. Well next time we'll try again - until then my friend.

A whirlwind of inspiration
Well I’ve shamefully not written for a while. I’ve been around and about doing all sorts of things. I went to a multimedia training day hosted by duckrabbit which I must say was fantastic. Panos multimedia producer Anna Stevens was one of the guest speakers and showed some interesting multimedia she has worked on in the past. We all viewed Robin Hammond's Tuvulu multimedia piece which included some amazing medium format triptychs. There was an interesting kit talk and all important tips about how to make money using 'mm' with lots of good audience participation. Both duck and rabbit were fun and concise about the whole process. I also popped along to slideluck potshow in the evening, saw the beautiful Sally Mann exhibition and spent some time with my nan. I’m now trying to come back down to earth from shooting a Sikh wedding at the weekend...
Almost back in a vague routine I’m remembering how I felt when looking at Sally Mann’s photographs. I’ve admired her work for so long in books it was wonderful to see them in a gallery and stand in front of them for a while. There is something about her images especially seeing them in the larger size not shrunk to a page that really communicates an inexplicable beauty. I found it very hard to tear myself away and watched an interesting interview with her when I got home.
Friday, June 11
Between Then and Now

Thursday, June 3
Adam, Cambridge and the six toed cats

Wednesday, June 2
The portrait # 2
I have another new offering of wonderful portraits. I discovered Charlotte Oestervang's work about a year or so ago and I particularly like her series from Freetown Christiania, or Fristaden Christiania in Danish. Christiania is an autonomous neighbourhood in Copenhagen and is governed by it's own special laws. I find her portraits very simple and thoughtful. I like the mixture of simple plain backgrounds and the people in their own environments.

Tuesday, May 25
The portrait # 1

Monday, May 24
Life continuing