Tuesday, February 22

New photofilm - Blackdown Yurts

I want to share my first commercial photofilm produced for Blackdown Yurts in Devon. It seems a long time ago that myself and Mike headed down to the Blackdown Hills in the sunny (ish) days of last August to gather the material to make this. This beautiful location is where The Hinterlands workshop will be held in May with training by duckrabbit.

This photofilm was challenging to make as it involves several different voices and noises, needing some serious editing to make it work. As always it's hard finishing a piece off and I think there are parts that could be better, but it's also important to have an end. After seeing and hearing it about a hundred times, scrutinising every tiny detail you become too close to it to see it impartially. It would be lovely to have any feedback, so if you have a spare minute please write me a comment. Thanks ;-).

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